Below is a list of Books that are related to Hajj. To make it easier, we have listed them in an order which is best to read.

Title Author Description Download
VIRTUES OF MAKKAH Islam Web The virtues of Makkah are so many and some of these are presented so that Muslims would know the sanctity of this city and its rank in the sight of Allaah. Read
VIRTUES OF 10 DAY OF DHUL-HIJJAH Muhammad Al-Munajjid How these 10 days differ from other days is explained. Read
THE PURPOSE OF HAJJ Salman al-Oadah Throughout human history, people have been assembling for various purposes. But nothing compares to the Hajj – a spiritual gathering is like nothing else on Earth. Read
INNER DIMENSIONS OF HAJJ Abu ‘Ala al Maududi An insight into the spiritual aspect of Hajj and how it is a journey not to gain personal end or desire. Read
THE BOOK OF HAJJ Mahmoud Murad This gives an insight into Hajj and Umrah as a whole including the virtues and merits. Read
FIQH OF HAJJ Sayyid Sabiq This defines and explains the rulings attached to Hajj. Read
GUIDE TO HAJJ Agency of Islamic Enlightenment in Hajj This gives a guide in Hajj, Umrah as well as the Prophets Mosque. Read
SIMPLE HAJJ GUIDE Fatwa Online A leaflet that simply goes through the steps of Hajj. Read
COMMON MISTAKES IN HAJJ Muhammad Alshareef Common mistakes that are made during Hajj are listed in a very straightforward format. Read
TOWARDS AN ACCEPTED HAJJ Faysal Al-Ba’dani Here some matters that help one ensure that his or her Hajj will be accepted are highlighted. Read
A WOMANS GUIDE TO HAJJ Muhammad Alshareef This book gives the Muslim woman the chance those Fiqh rulings that are specific to her in Hajj. Read
SUPPLICATIONS Compilation Supplications that are recommended derived from the Qur’aan and Sunnah. Read